yoga retreat morocco

yoga retreat morocco

Owner’s should create a studio-wide yoga retreat program to attract, develop and retain top teaching talent.  

Often, traditional employee benefits are too expensive for studio owners. Benefits serve to help in hiring, developing, and retaining top talent. Therefore, successful studio owners must be creative in order to employ their community’s best teachers.  Fortunately, something many owners and their teachers are already doing, can be formalized in order to benefit the studio, teachers, and community.  This something, is running yoga retreats!

Attract Top Talent

A yoga retreat program gives teachers a reason to be excited to work at your studio. As such, owners address the challenge of attracting top talent. A formalized program simplifies running international yoga retreats. Therefore, busy talent is able to run more international yoga retreats when they work at your studio. A program both lowers the cost of running a yoga retreat, and provides a large pool of clients to which they can market their trip. Thereby, a studio-wide program reduces the financial risk for teachers interested in leading yoga retreats.

Offer Professional Development

A yoga retreat program offers teachers a professional development opportunity. Running international yoga retreats is hard. As a result, many teachers neglect to develop this skill or use it effectively to benefit themselves, their studios, or their communities. A formal international yoga retreat program provides a successful framework to educate teachers. Often, the program includes coaching in key skills such as itinerary creation, yoga retreat sales, and yoga retreat leadership. Professional development is hard to come by, and often very expensive for yoga professionals. Studios that offer professional development through yoga retreat offer a valuable benefit.

Retain Your Best Teachers

Leading an international yoga retreat is an exciting and fun proposition, and international yoga retreats also take 9 to 12 months to plan and execute.  As such, teachers are committed to the studio, and to performing well for that period of time. A healthy studio wide program can have 4 or more yoga retreats being planned and run throughout the year. As a result, such a studio can keep 4 or more of their community’s top talent engaged at all times. Clearly, an international yoga retreat program is an effective way to retain your top teaching talent.

Not a yoga studio owner? SolSeed offers: Pilates Retreats, Spinning Retreats, Barre Retreats, Dance Retreats, and more! The core principles of the business of retreats are all the same.